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Canto PFP Protocol

Canto PFP Protocol is a barebones Subprotocol that can be used to reference any ERC721 NFT in one’s on chain identity. It consists of a single smart contract, ProfilePicture.sol.


To mint a PFP subprotocolNFT, a user calls mint on the smart contract, passing in the address of an NFT collection and the tokenId of an NFT they hold from that collection.

    function mint(address _nftContract, uint256 _nftID) external {
        uint256 tokenId = ++numMinted;
        if (ERC721(_nftContract).ownerOf(_nftID) != msg.sender)
            revert PFPNotOwnedByCaller(msg.sender, _nftContract, _nftID);
        ProfilePictureData storage pictureData = pfp[tokenId];
        pictureData.nftContract = _nftContract;
        pictureData.nftID = _nftID;
        _mint(msg.sender, tokenId);
        emit PfpAdded(msg.sender, tokenId, _nftContract, _nftID);

The mint method reverts if the user is not holding the referenced NFT in their wallet.

Ownership Checks

The getPFP method checks whether the NFT referenced by a PFP subprotocolNFT is still owned by the expected wallet. It uses CidNFT.sol to lookup which CID the PFP subprotocolNFT has been added to, after which it performs an ownership check against the address that CID resolves to on AddressRegistry.sol.

    function getPFP(uint256 _pfpID) public view returns (address nftContract, uint256 nftID) {
        if (_ownerOf[_pfpID] == address(0)) revert TokenNotMinted(_pfpID);
        ProfilePictureData storage pictureData = pfp[_pfpID];
        nftContract = pictureData.nftContract;
        nftID = pictureData.nftID;
        uint256 cidNFTID = cidNFT.getPrimaryCIDNFT(subprotocolName, _pfpID);
        IAddressRegistry addressRegistry = cidNFT.addressRegistry();
        if (cidNFTID == 0 || addressRegistry.getAddress(cidNFTID) != ERC721(nftContract).ownerOf(nftID)) {
            nftContract = address(0);
            nftID = 0; // Strictly not needed because nftContract has to be always checked, but reset nevertheless to 0

If the NFT is still owned by the expected wallet, this method returns the address of the NFT collection and the tokenId of the NFT. Otherwise, it returns address(0) and 0 respectively.

PFP Preview and Metadata

The tokenURI view calls getPFP internally. If the referenced NFT is owned by the expected wallet, it returns the tokenURI of the referenced NFT. Otherwise, it reverts.

    function tokenURI(uint256 _id) public view override returns (string memory) {
        (address nftContract, uint256 nftID) = getPFP(_id);
        if (nftContract == address(0)) revert PFPNoLongerOwnedByOriginalOwner(_id);
        return ERC721(nftContract).tokenURI(nftID);

In practice, this means that the PFP subprotocolNFT shares the same metadata (including image) as the referenced NFT if that NFT is owned by the expected wallet.